Hurricane Ida Relief
Hurricane Ida, which made landfall in Louisiana on August 29, 2021 as a powerful Category 4 storm, was the fifth-largest hurricane to hit the U.S. Ida’s maximum sustained winds topped 150 mph, and along with its storm surge and torrential rainfall, Ida has left a trail of devastating flooding and structural damage as it continues to move northeast.
Do not donate to unknown individuals purporting to need aid that post on Facebook, GoFundMe, etc.
Jeremy Lin
As with any charitable contribution, Americans wanting to help with disaster relief efforts should only give to legitimate charities with an established track record of helping people in need.
- Be on guard for a surge of solicitations related to any highly publicized crisis.
- Do not respond to, or click on any attachments, links or pictures.
- Beware of individuals or others claiming to be third-party intermediaries for charities or those in need.
- Avoid name confusion by independently verifying that the charity is legitimate before you donate.

The best way to help is by sending a check or donating securely by credit card. Such cash donations enable charities to buy the most needed types of food, medicine, clothing, shelter materials, and other supplies. By buying relief products locally or regionally, charities can reduce shipping costs and more rapidly deliver assistance.
For many charities, having enough funds to meet the increased demand for their services has been a real obstacle to address. Grants in particular remain and will always be an important source of funding. Locating such sources is only part of the challenge, the other is presenting an application that resonates with the provider and illustrates the charity in its best light.