The importance of a good charity investment

Having robust practices and systems to defend against such attempts is vital and need to be reviewed and adhered to at all times. Simple procedures like keeping PINs and passwords protected should be a given and be aware of more sophisticated attempts involving such things as social engineering.
Do not donate to unknown individuals purporting to need aid that post on Facebook, GoFundMe, etc.
Jeremy Lin
Applying for grants
The pandemic has quite rightly highlighted the great work undertaken by the sector but we know that at the higher governmental echelons of society, full recognition of the sector’s contribution is sadly lacking.
- Be on guard for a surge of solicitations related to any highly publicized crisis.
- Do not respond to, or click on any attachments, links or pictures.
- Beware of individuals or others claiming to be third-party intermediaries for charities or those in need.
- Avoid name confusion by independently verifying that the charity is legitimate before you donate.
Finding grant funding
However, shining a light on the tangible outcomes of all that hard work is crucial to truly understand the value brought to the beneficiary base. Here are just a few resources available that may help with analyzing and presenting your impact.
For many charities, having enough funds to meet the increased demand for their services has been a real obstacle to address. Grants in particular remain and will always be an important source of funding. Locating such sources is only part of the challenge, the other is presenting an application that resonates with the provider and illustrates the charity in its best light.